Return of the king...

Tuesday, January 12, 2010 ·

Well, its been a long time since I posted (or for that matter,even visited) this page..
Life is as monotonous as it can be barring a few exceptions.
Trying to cook up stories just to post them here is not my thing, so I decided to lay low for a while.
But, what the heck , my so called monotonous life is not what you would classify as ordinary.

It might just be worth posting about a few incidents which happened over the last few weeks/months.After all, nobody has their pics being taken randomly or "autographs" being asked for at almost every turn in the outside world!

Here's hoping for a new and a better beginning..
(also wishing you people a very happy and prosperous new year ahead..may it be filled with joy,happiness and "Tall stories" :P )


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