disclaimer-this is definitely not a work of fiction and if by any chance there any resemblances with anyone,then,it's meant to be!also,if anybody feels insulted after reading this post,then yo deserve it!!!
as i told you before,this post will tell people how "SILENCE MIGHT(JUST IN OUR CASE THOUGH) JUST BE EQUAL TO A FEW "CUPS" but NO SAUCERS"!!!!(forgive me for the pj!

well,as i told you before,we have a cup-max course called ** ***...(guess the course yourself!)
we have this project sort of thing where we have to submit a 7000 word write-up which involves a lot of "primary research"(which basically means one to one contact and no use of wiki,google,yahoo,etc!!)
sir(ya the one for the cup max course ** ***) gave us the names of all the people in my group.
i was really relieved as i was the only on who had not only 1 but 2 people from the same hostel!!!that was a huge success in itself!!(you see,we could then bully the others to come to our hostel!!)
but,unfortunately ,my happiness was short lived!!!
but,i have to mention that in between,i became even happier when i came to know that one of the other 2 people in our group was in e**c(which means muggu!).that made me happy as i the guy will "work" hard!!
i was even more elated when i heard from his fellow state mate that he was their state topper in many exams!!!
but all my feelings were washed down the drain that night in the team "meeting"!!(if i may call so!!)
the so called stud guy(atleast in my mind!!) turned out to be an apostle of "silence" literally!!
he did'nt speak a single word apart from "your wish"!!!
finally,assuming that only 3 of us were working and that there was a live statue in the room,we decided the topic!!
now,you might be wondering what happened to the 5th guy...well,i had'nt even seen him and he did'nt turn up for the "meeting"!!
for that matter,i doubt that i have ever seen him other than the once when we told him to come to class to listen to the topic we selected!!
we got back the same answer---------"your wish"!!!!
god ,what team "mates"!!!
this guy too turned out to be silent in a different way-silent wrt the project all the time and talking a lot about other things!!
well,now you tell me-
1)silent forever but attends class!!
2)silent wrt project and never attends class!!!
what should i do wrt these 2 people?
1)be happy that i've got 2 "mates" who respect silence and remain so most of the time and also believe that i'm getting someting equivalent to gold!!(god,save me!)
2)kill the other 2(killing is not literally though!!) and then do the same to myself so that we all get cups and (to make me feel better!!) "saucers" too!(if possible),then i can atleast start a coffee shop,you see,great ideas start from the smallest idea possible!!