well,,i've been mugging(dats what i think)/tryin to mug(thats what the others think) for the last few days...quizzes are currently on....
no time for timepass!!!
hv 2 mug seriously atleast now...
will most probably resume bloggin on 22-24rth....
a parting shot-
1)this world is very unfair,
my history teacher(4 yrs ago) did not believe me when i told her that the reason my answer was wrong was because i wanted to see what will happen if i changed the "course" of history!!!(this was an instantaneous thought then,but the teacher was even more instantaneous in her response.i got a lesson on the bad "consequences " of trying to change history...)
btw , is'nt history supposed to be a man's story(his-story),and being a man,i had all the
right to put my own story and call it history....
2)this i feel is a studd thought, i got it just now----
god keeps exams in schools/colleges when we grow up so that we have enough practice for the final exam about himself which we write after we die...
that is why as we grow older,we try to cram more religious stuff into our heads...after all,nobody wants to fail in their "final" exam...
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9 years ago
lol bey!!
thanks dude...u seem to be among those really few people who read my mind's crap...
You were supposed to write 'his story' but you wrote 'your story'. So what else did you expect :P
I don't mug religious stuff. I don't go to that school. No final exam. I'll drop out and become Perly Gates oh sorry I mean Bill Gates
(word verification is arsho)
(no kidding!)
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